Jun 19, 2024, 10:55 AM IST
Dolphins: Dolphins are mammals that need to come up for air regularly, so they can't afford to be completely unconscious.
Orcas: Orcas, also known as killer whales, are similar to dolphins in their sleep patterns.
Bullfrogs: Studies on bullfrogs have yielded conflicting results, but some research suggests they might not sleep at all in the traditional sense.
Jellyfish: Jellyfish don't have brains, so they don't sleep in the way we do. They may have periods of reduced activity, but it's not the same as sleep.
Sea Stars: Similar to jellyfish, sea stars lack complex brains and don't exhibit sleep behavior.
Sponges: Sponges are very simple organisms and don't have nervous systems, so sleep isn't necessary for them.
Insects (fruit flies): Fruit flies seem to require very little sleep, with some studies suggesting they can survive on just four minutes a day.
Alpine Swifts: These incredible birds can fly continuously for up to 6 months during their migrations.
This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports